I want talk about the wiring the shifting indicator light . In the begging Our Engine was bought in Japan and all wire aren't the same to connect to the TCM(Trasmission control module) The TCM are working fine but only the biggest problem was that wiring . Untill we finish all the Conversion and deal with it . In first time dennis didi some reasrch and I did some as well. The fact is this problem wont be big deal for this car owner don , Because He know the shifting position. We do this for Past the safety Road test.
Step.1 Use the research data for the TCM wiring and understand what is what.
Step.2 In order to let the gear run in the correet Speed I take the Speed sensor From the old Gas engine Transmission , And reconnect on the New diesel Transmission ,
I did a mistake to connect in the wrong place and make on reaction on the dash board . Well I fix itafter.
Step.3 Find the connection on the TCM of the shfting indicator light wire
Step.4 I have to cut them and rewiring on the Mole wire (wire for the let the light working)
Step.5 And have patience to test the each wire are connect in the right way ,there are 9
in total and time them is 81 paten for the
Connection every single wire has to use the electranic Meter the test are there having Ev connection.
Step.6 Find it and wring it than , we shift the gear and test and ajust it untill all lights work properly on dash
Same happen on the back up light dosen't work,i did it too
What did i Learn from the conversion? what was the most challenging, and why? For many people they first time think about build or Conversion a Car must be very interesting and the answer
is yes!! Very ,If only you have the patience to deal with the problem, Nothing is unbeatble In fact When I facing
Some really hard trouble I allmost thout I can't but will teacher and classmate together to conquer it team work all
way help it alot. Like I like working alone on anything except the wring, So I allmost did every other bit of the car and work hard
on it and untill the end of the term ,the task are running out for us ,Car all most done,No choice for job then .I have to face the wring
Thankfuly Don tell me alot knowlege about this work And we working together and finish it .at that time is all most the final exam
and even after that still come to school every day for extra working . And the last of the last day I finish the A/C problem
By the Don's words The Car has finally finished
I just feel so difrennt at the end ,I was very happy ,3boy and I teacher can done some thing unexpected . And we done it
it . Look back what I did ,I just feel pride . I Believe I'm the guy has Longset time working on the welding machine and cutting tool
All these experience all so valueble for me working in the future This project Give me so much happy and experience and
knowlege . once life chance to having this project and I can 100% saying '' I'm not wasting in here and I enjoy in very much !! ''