Monday, October 17, 2011

Electrical system (Engine)

It's..well, complicated :).

figuring out the porper connections that need to be transfered from the gas engine to the diesel is, as one might think, quite the handful. but a simple method of 'breaking it down' to looking at each component and wire individually at a time, is a very important in working the most effectively

So for the electrical system, the general summery of what to do is to match various wires from the gas to the needed ones for diesels. the diesel connections that are needed are listed below (taken from a trusted forum in which someone had done a conversion or transfer using the same diesel engine).

Glow plug rail:
The Glow plug rail will be inputed imore in depth in another post, since we will make our own cuircuit for it.

The start system was done by john, usuing similar wiring from the gas engine to be attached to the rebuilt starter.

air conditioning
air condition was the most straight forward. i found the single wire on both the diesel and gas.

12V to Injection pump
The injection pump is a mini 'engine' in itself. its quite complex, but in the late stage of wiring, don found a wiring diagram of which components connect to where. the tach-ometer wire is here as well.

REV counter
tachometer incorpirated in injection pump wiring

Oil-Light and Gauge
Both of these were found attached to the engine

Temp from Plug on Thermo Housing
Temp from plug on Thermo Housing
Temp: Note this is teed in on same wire to Ignition pump.

The above 5 'temp' listings are all connected to the 'thermo housing'. we will identify the function of each when connected to the trooper so we can test and check to see which work with the corresponding function of each wire.

What we've done is, after identifying the wires, is snipped them with a decent amount of length from the gas, and we will solder the wires from the diesel to the cut wires with plug fittings from the gas engine. we want it to be easy to plug and unplug the wires still, instead of permanently soldering directly from the engine to the car.

stay posted for more on 'Electrical system (transmission)'